Sailing with a cat or dog: pet-friendly tips


Sailing with pets can be a breeze – if you are prepared in advance. Sailing with your cat or your dog strengthens your bond. On board a boat, don't forget the essentials that will make your pet's stay more comfortable: non-slip bowls, rail nets, and pet life jackets (they do exist, we assure you).

Contrary to some perceptions, Sailing with pets isn't such a challenge.
In some small portion, maybe it is, but it can be a rewarding adventure. One that enhances the bond between you and your pet.

Ever thought about sailing with your cat or a dog?
Picture this: you, the open seas, and your loyal pet, sharing epic adventures and tightening that special bond you both share.

Sure, a tiny bit of prep is involved – pet-proofing your boat, making cozy nooks for them to chill, and yes, those adorable little pet life jackets.

Firstly, give your pet time to get accustomed to the boat's rhythm. If you prepare your furry friend in advance, you are in for a true adventure.

Ready to make unforgettable memories with your four-legged sidekick?

The essentials – don't forget your Pet passport


Planning to drop anchor in the Adriatic, maybe? If you're bringing your furry buddy along, you must be prepared.

Just as humans do, pets need paperwork to travel or sail around.
To be exact, your pet has to have the proper paperwork, a so-called pet passport.

A pet passport in Europe is a document that lists out all your pet's vaccinations and treatments. Specifically for Croatia, it's a non-negotiable that your pet is microchipped and has had its rabies shot.

So, before you start packing, quickly check the current pet travel rules.
This pet passport will ensure unforeseen issues don't hold up your journey.

After all, you surely want a memorable trip for all the right reasons, not for the surprises with paperwork.

What you need to know if sailing with a cat or a dog


If you plan to take your pet on a sailing adventure, you must know that you must create a comfortable and safe environment for them.

It's important to sail away from the usual designated areas and high-traffic areas. These should be places where your pet can relax, play, or bask in the sun.

Recognizing the increasing number of sailor pets, the pet industry has developed several innovations. They serve to make your pet's stay on board a boat more comfortable and secure – even if the sea gets choppy, for instance:

Pet-specific life jackets:  These are specially designed flotation devices for your furry friends. Life jackets for a dog and a cat in the same manner not only provide buoyancy but also have a handle on the back, allowing you to lift your pet out of the water if necessary easily.

Nautical leash:  Unlike regular leashes, these are crafted to withstand the marine environment. Leashes for sailing are made of durable marine-grade rope and come with rust-resistant clips, ensuring your pet's safety even in salty conditions.

Guardrail net:  Protects adventurous pets from slipping through the guardrails. If you need one, get sturdy, UV-resistant netting that is easy to install and provides peace of mind when your pet is on deck. Check with your yacht charter provider; they will surely have the safety rail net available.

Non-slip bowls:  These bowls, food, and water have rubberized bases to prevent them from sliding around when the boat rocks.

Portable pet toilet:  Handy for longer journeys, portable pet toilets are a convenient solution, mimicking a patch of grass and ensuring your pet has a familiar place to relieve themselves. For cats, of course - you can bring their usual litter box.

Cooling or non-slip mats:  The yacht's deck can get hot on a sunny day. Cooling mats use gel technology to provide a cool surface for pets to lie on, ensuring they stay comfortable even in warmer conditions. Non-slip mats can be placed in areas your pet frequents, ensuring they have a good grip and reduce the risk of slipping.

However, it's not just about physical safety. The pet's overall well-being is equally vital.
A pet-friendly first aid kit is not your typical first aid box. Well, maybe it is in some way.

Besides a regular first-aid kit for dogs with pain relief and anti-inflammatory medications adhesive first aid tape, you might also consider:

Paw balms - to soothe and heal paws that might get chaffed from the salty, rough decks.

Tick and flea treatments - you never know what tiny critters might hop aboard with your pet at a docking point.

Hydration solutions - if your pet is overly dehydrated, which is possible, ensure you have these solutions handy. Dogs can also drink saltwater if thirsty, so watch for that.

Daily life on deck made easier - life jackets for cats and dogs


For us, sailing is exhilarating. For our pets, however, it can be a bundle of unfamiliar and intense sensations.

Introducing pets to a nautical environment may require patience, especially if they are experiencing it for the first time. Initially, you have to allow your pets to acclimate to the ambiance. As days progress, they will extend their explorations, lose their fear, and transform into a true sailor.

It is believed that sailing with a dog is easy, without any complications, as dogs are "natural" on board a yacht, as they are in constant motion and exploring escapades. But your dog, like any pet, can get seasick.

Herbal remedies, like ginger, serve as nature's antidote for queasiness. But remember, before you introduce any herbal solutions or medication at all, approval from a veterinarian is imperative.

You also have to teach your pets to avoid "enticing" marine temptations-.. Your pet may see a playful dolphin and want to dive into it - while you are in full sailing mode.

Life jackets for cats and dogs are essential when ensuring the safety of our furry friends aboard a yacht. Don't rely on the fact that your pets are excellent swimmers. The sea, as much as we love it, can be treacherous.

Unforeseen situations can happen, and your pet might get overboard for some reason.

Designed specifically for the unique body shapes of cats, cat life jackets enable them to stay afloat without exerting too much energy.

High-quality dog life jackets often come with bright colors or reflective strips, making it easier to spot a dog in the water, even in low-light conditions.

Additionally, a sturdy handle on the top of the pet life jacket allows for quick retrieval from the water.

As sailing involves navigating open waters and unpredictable conditions, ensuring that your pets are outfitted with the proper safety gear has to be of utmost importance.

What to do when things get rough (or meow!)


Setting out on an adventure with your pet is great, but it's not always smooth sailing.

Even the most chill cat or laid-back dog can face uncertainty or anxiety, especially in the new environment. Your dog can hear a strange noise for the first time, or your cat may notice a new scent – for them, it's unexpected and might scare them.

How do you react then?
The trick is to be prepared. For starters, have their favorite toys or comfort blankets on hand. Or whatever you know will make things better.

For cats, a little catnip toy or a feather wand can distract them from any unease. Maybe it's a new squeaky toy or a comforting chew bone for dogs.

And remember, sometimes your pets will need a little reassurance, a gentle pat, a soothing word, or just some playtime. You need to show them they're not alone and that you are here for them - together on your sailing adventure.

Some of the most famous pet sailors


History is full of examples of cats and dogs famous for their sailing adventures or even ranked in the Navy. Cats were valued on boats in history for one reason mainly – you guessed it, for their ability to catch mice and rats.

To prove to you that a cat or a dog can be true sailors and, even beyond that – become world famous for their escapades, we present Bailey and Lila.

Bailey Boat Cat:  Bailey is a Siamese cat known for his sailing adventures with his owner aboard their boat in the Mediterranean.
Bailey has become a social media sensation with his distinct blue eyes and proclivity for life at sea. His Instagram account and blog,
Bailey Boat Cat documents his sea-faring escapades and provides insights into a cat's life onboard a boat. Bailey's adventures are also chronicled in a book titled "Bailey Boat Cat: Adventures of a Feline Afloat."

Lila:  Lila is a Labrador who became popular for her unique ability to dive and catch lobster with her owner off the coast of Florida.
Videos of Lila's lobster-catching skills have gone viral, and she has a significant following on social media, where her conservation efforts and sea life are documented.


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