Euronautic brings you the perfect 7-day itinerary starting in Biograd


Biograd – a perfect starting point for any sailing trip. If you are looking for the best route to explore on a 7-day itinerary – we have planned perfect spots for you to visit. Explore the most beautiful islands, small coastal towns, and one of the most magnificent national parks with us.

First, we'll answer the main question: Why is Biograd the perfect starting point for your sailing journey?

With its pristine waters and strategic location, Biograd is an ideal starting point for your next sailing adventure. And we really do mean - your best sailing adventure ever.

Nestled on the Adriatic coast, Biograd as a location offers easy access to a myriad of islands, each with its unique allure.

But it's not just about geography; the local culture, steeped in seafaring traditions, adds an extra layer to your journey.

Prepare for a week of unparalleled sailing, relaxation, and cultural immersion.

Our Euronautic meticulously planned itinerary ensures a balanced blend of exploration and leisure. From diving and snorkeling in secluded coves to savoring local cuisine, each day promises a new experience carefully designed to leave you with lifelong memories.

A short guide to sailing safety measures


Packing for a sailing trip requires a different type of planning. Beyond the usual travel essentials, think UV-protective clothing, especially if you have children. Bring plenty of sunscreen, quick-dry towels, and warmer clothes for crispier evenings.

While the focus is on fun, make sure your passport is up-to-date and investigate if any special permits are required. Euronautic often assists with these formalities, but being well-informed is prudent.

Safety transcends everything. Familiarize yourself with basic sailing protocols, from wearing life jackets to understanding distress signals.

We can and will say that from Biograd, all sea routes are open to you. You can go and explore to your heart's desire. Nevertheless, we wanted to present you with a 7-day itinerary with which you will make the most of your vacation.

Day 1: From Euronautic Base in Biograd to Pašman and Ugljan


After a quick but thorough orientation at the Euronautic base, as you leave the marina behind, you will leave all your worries. Next, set sail for the nearby islands of Pašman and Ugljan.

As you approach Pašman in the afternoon, you'll notice the island's lush landscapes, perfect for nature walks. Pašman is also known as the island with various trails, each providing exceptional views of the surrounding archipelago. It's an ideal opportunity to stretch your legs and enjoy the area's natural beauty.

Next, explore Ugljan, often called the "Olive Island" due to its abundant olive groves. A visit to one of these groves is scenic and educational; you'll learn about the traditional olive oil production methods passed down through generations.

For dinner, head to a local taverna in Preko, Kali, or even on the small island of Ošljak. Try the must-have dish of the day - grilled fish, freshly caught and perfectly seasoned with local herbs and olive oil.

As evening approaches, we recommend anchoring in the Bay of Muline. This beautiful bay is well known to all sailors, as it is calm, with crystal-clear waters, making it a perfect spot for an evening of relaxation.

Day 2: Day of diving and snorkeling on Dugi Otok


As dawn breaks over Ugljan, prepare to set sail for your next destination - Dugi Otok. This island is home to Sakarun Beach, one of the most beautiful beaches in Croatia. Once you arrive, you'll find Sakarun Beach a paradise of white sand and turquoise waters, making it an ideal spot for swimming, sunbathing, or relaxing on the shore.

In the afternoon, you'll head to Telašćica Nature Park, a protected area at the southeastern end of the island. The park is a wonderland of natural beauty, featuring dramatic cliffs, saltwater lakes, and diverse flora and fauna. Whether you're interested in diving, hiking, bird-watching, or simply enjoying the breathtaking views, Telašćica offers something for every nature lover.

As the sun sets, navigate to Sali Harbour for the night. This charming port town is a haven for your yacht and a bustling place filled with local culture.

Day 3: Unavoidable and magical - the Kornati Islands


No itinerary is complete without visiting Kornati Islands, a stunning archipelago that's also a designated national park. As you sail there, you'll be captivated by the labyrinth of islands and islets that make up this unique maritime landscape. Kornati National Park is a haven for biodiversity, both above and below the water, making it a must-visit for all, not just nature enthusiasts.

By afternoon, sail at Lojena Bay, one of the most pristine spots in the Kornati Islands. This is your chance to snorkel in some of the most transparent waters ever. The underwater world here is teeming with life, so it's like swimming in a natural aquarium, offering a firsthand look at the Adriatic's rich marine ecosystem.

As the sun begins its descent, you'll steer your yacht towards Levrnaka Island, a less-traveled gem in the Adriatic Sea. Once anchored, you'll be enveloped in the island's natural tranquillity, far removed from the busy tourist hotspots. It's the perfect setting to unwind, offering a peaceful backdrop for an evening of relaxation and perhaps some stargazing.

Day 4: Halfway there, but still plenty to see


As you wave goodbye to the Kornati Islands, your next destination must be Murter Island, known for its charming villages and stunning beaches. The sail to Murter is a journey on its own, offering panoramic views of the Adriatic's crystal-clear waters and scattered islets.

Upon arrival, your first stop is Slanica Beach, one of the most famous beaches on the island. Its fine sand and shallow waters make it a family-friendly spot perfect for swimming, sunbathing, or simply enjoying the sun. The beach also offers various water sports activities, so whether you're into jet skiing or paddleboarding, there's something for everyone.

As evening approaches, you'll head to Murter Town and dock at the local marina. The town blends traditional Croatian architecture and modern amenities, offering a glimpse into the region's rich history while providing contemporary comforts.

Day 5: 7-day itinerary "must" – a day of historical exploration


On the fifth day, set sail for Šibenik, a historic city that serves as a gateway to the Krka National Park. The journey from Murter to Šibenik is relatively short but filled with the beauty of the Adriatic Sea. Be prepared for a day of exploration and cultural enrichment. Šibenik is unique among Croatian coastal cities for its rich history and stunning architecture, making it a must-see destination.

Upon arrival, dedicate your afternoon to exploring Šibenik's, especially two of its most iconic landmarks. First on the list is St. Michael's Fortress, a well-preserved medieval structure offering panoramic views of the city and the sea.

Next, you'll visit the Cathedral of St. Jacob, a UNESCO World Heritage site. This architectural marvel is known for its intricate stone carvings and innovative construction techniques, making it a highlight of Croatian cultural heritage.

As the sun sets, dock at Šibenik Marina, a modern facility that offers all the amenities for a comfortable stay. It's a chance to recharge and enjoy the city's evening atmosphere, which is both relaxed and vibrant.

Day 6: Winding down but not out – sailing from Šibenik to Vodice


As you leave the charm and history of Šibenik behind, we recommend setting sail for Vodice, a lively town known for its energetic atmosphere and beautiful beaches. The sail is short but scenic, offering a final stretch of open water before you reach this bustling destination. Vodice contrasts the more laid-back spots you've visited, providing a different flavor of Adriatic life.

As night falls, you'll discover another aspect of Vodice: its vibrant nightlife. The town comes alive after dark, with various options for all tastes. Vodice offers a lively evening scene as a high-energy counterpoint to the day's relaxed activities. It's a day of contrasts, offering natural tranquillity and social buzz.

Day 7: The final 7-day itinerary stretch - back to Biograd


As the sun rises on the last day of your 7-day itinerary, it's time to return to where it all began - Biograd.

Once docked, your afternoon is free for last-minute shopping and sightseeing in Biograd. Whether picking up local crafts as souvenirs or visiting the Biograd Heritage Museum to delve into the town's history, take a few hours to soak up the local culture. It's also an opportunity to enjoy any sights of one of the most beautiful coastal towns you may have missed at the start of your trip.

As evening sets in, you'll return to Euronautic Base, completing your 7-day adventure. It will be a moment of satisfaction and nostalgia as you disembark and say your goodbyes.

While the journey may be over, the memories and experiences you've gained will stay with you long after you've left the shores of the Adriatic.

What you'll take away from your Bograd 7-day itinerary?


More than just sun-kissed skin and Instagram-worthy pictures, your 7-day sailing adventure leaves you with invaluable experiences. You'll return home not just with tales of beautiful bays and beaches but of historic landmarks and excellent cuisine.

The end of this journey doesn't mean the end of your sailing adventures. There are countless paths to ensure that the sense of freedom and exploration you felt on this trip is kept alive. Euronautic is here if you need assistance in planning your next sailing vacation.


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