5 things about yachts and charters people still believe


Throughout history, many general myths and superstitions about sailing life have existed. Today that is no longer the question, but there are still some things people believe about yacht life and charter companies that are simply not so.

There are still some common misconceptions about a vacation on a chartered yacht or yacht charter companies in general that people still believe.

Rest assured, they are all myths, like old boating superstitions that people used to believe. Even if you are a redhead woman with flat feet, you can easily spend a quite memorable vacation on a yacht. In the olden days, a woman wouldn't be able to set foot on a boat.

But those days are long past, and today there are many proficient woman sailors and skippers, and people even change the name of their yacht if they don't like it.

Yacht charter companies today are far from old sailing crews and companies that had more superstitions and myths believed than rules of navigation. Times have changed, and the philosophy of sailing has also changed. However, there are still some specific things about sailing and chartering a yacht that people still believe, such as:

1. Chartering a yacht costs a pretty penny
2. You are not allowed to wear any shoes onboard
3. There is no way that you will be sleeping on a boat
4. Yacht charter companies operate only in the summer
5. It's impossible to know all the rules on how to sail and you will be on your own

1. Chartering a yacht costs a pretty penny

It is a common misconception that chartering a yacht is expensive, but this is not always the case. In fact, there are many boats in charters available at different price points, so you can book one that fits your budget.

Chartering a yacht may be above the price range of an average vacation, but some factors are favourable. Yacht charter costs depend on various factors, including the size and type of yacht, the duration of the charter, and the extras you need or want on your vessel. Generally, the larger and more luxurious the yacht, the higher the price tag. However, many affordable options are available, so breaking the bank is unnecessary.

But people book sailing yachts and motorboats from yacht charter companies because there is no place, apartment, hotel or resort that will provide you with a vacation that you could have on a yacht. The freedom, seclusion and luxury to visit any location at any given time cannot be found in any other vacation mode. Let us not forget the leisure to sail at any beach desired or visit any place you want, away from all the traffic on the roads during the summer.

But when you put everything on paper, no one can substitute your own peace and the beautiful landscapes you will have the opportunity to explore. Consider chartering a yacht if you're looking for a unique and affordable way to escape from everything. Yacht charter companies, especially in such a destination as Croatia, tend to fill up quickly, so be sure to book plenty in advance.

2. You are not allowed to wear any shoes onboard

One thing that people believe about yachts and charters is that you are not allowed to wear shoes on board. Indeed nobody expects you to go barefoot all day long, do they? But actually, this is true in a way. More accurately, one is not allowed to wear regular everyday shoes. But there are several reasons for this.

It is easier to go barefoot as you will spend much of your time swimming, sunbathing, and jumping from your yacht into the sea. So yes, it's easier. But on other occasions when footwear is required for your own safety, it is not recommended to wear regular summer shoes such as flip flops or sandals.

Regular shoes can also damage or scuff surfaces, usually made of teak wood or similar materials. But this rule is not just for aesthetic reasons. It's for your own safety.

This may seem like an issue, but there is a workaround - you can wear special sailing shoes instead. These shoes, also known as yacht shoes, are designed to protect your feet and keep you safe while on board.

Yacht shoes are also quite comfortable and stylish and made from waterproof breathable materials or leather. One added great thing about yacht shoes is that they can be worn in everyday life as a casual look.

3. There is no way that you will be sleeping on a boat

Will you be able to sleep on a boat? That depends solely on you. Sleeping on a yacht is not for everyone for several reasons, such as the cabins are less comfortable than your bedroom at home and any kind of boat is in constant motion.

But, these few things can actually be made into an advantage. It is usually believed that the confinement of the cabin on a chartered yacht is just the thing one needs to feel safe and secure. The subtle rocking and motion of the boat help you fall asleep. Remember that you will not be sleeping on an open sea during the night. You will probably be in a port or a secluded bay along the coast.

It is not true that you will not be able to sleep on a yacht. You just need to adjust. When you are on a boat, the rocking motion can be soothing and help you to fall asleep. If you are not used to sleeping on a boat, it may take a little time to get used to the motion, but eventually, you will be able to sleep soundly.

Most people who have never slept aboard a boat say they have never slept better than on the water. The same elements that people think will not be suitable for sleeping on a yacht are exact things that enable them to sleep soundly as never before.

And after a day packed with swimming, sunbathing and exploring, one is sure to fall asleep as soon as their head hits the pillow, trust us.

4. Yacht charter companies operate only in the summer

Many believe you can charter a yacht or boat of any kind only during the summer, but that is far from the truth. Many yacht charter companies have excellent pre-season and post-season offers, with better prices and more discounts.

People who love sailing prefer sailing during Spring and Autumn because there is not so much traffic, and the winds are more favourable for actual sailing.

Best yacht charter companies include in their fleet monohulls, catamarans, and bareboat. They also have a wide variety of routes they recommend for you to sail that are best for the kind of vessel you choose.

So, if you're looking for a wonderful sailing vacation with family and friends in the spring or autumn, consider chartering a yacht. You'll see some of the most beautiful destinations in Croatia and have a trip you'll never forget.

5. It's impossible to know all the rules on how to sail, and you will be on your own

It's true that if you know how to sail is not enough for a person to go and charter a yacht. You must have a valid navigation licence and a VHF radio license, at least in Croatia. Besides that, knowing how to sail will be enough.

Common sense requires a person to know how to manage a vessel. That is the first rule. Other rules imply that you respect navigation rules and your behaviour while sailing. The latter means you manage your waste properly and don't pollute or litter the area you are sailing or mooring. So, know-how and being mindful of your surroundings are the only two rules there are.

You are also mistaken if you think you will be left to your own devices after you charter a yacht from a yacht charter company. Yacht charter companies often provide complete support if something unexpected happens, such as a malfunction or an accident.

Their professional electricians and mechanics team is always there for you if something untoward happens. Rest assured that all the vessels in charters are excellently kept, but accidents happen.

In conclusion, we can confidently say that chartering a yacht has nothing to do with sailing on the old wooden boats you watched in old movies on TV. Charter companies are devoted to life at sea, and sailing is their life calling. By chartering a yacht, you will soon become a part of a large family, where everything revolves around the will of the sea and the power of the waves.

Old wives' tales and superstitions have no power in a yacht charter, where the main rule is to provide the guest with the best possible experience. The only thing you can do after you set sail in a chartered yacht is to be respectful towards the sea and your surroundings.


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